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Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Antahkarana symbol


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Antahkarana is a part of the spiritual anatomy. It is the connection between the physical brain and the higher self. It is this connection that must heal and develop if we are to grow spiritually. The Antahkarana symbol here depicted and described represents this connection and activates it whenever you are in its presence.

The science of radionics indicates that lines drawn on paper create a psychic effect on the space surrounding the drawing and will influence the human aura and chakras in various ways depending on the patters created. This validates the age old practice of yantra meditation which makes use of visual images to purify and evolve the consciousness.

The Antahkarana is an ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. It is a powerful symbol and simply by having it in your presence it will create a positive effect on the chakras and aura. When doing healing work, it focuses and deepens the actions of the healing energies involved. When meditating on the symbol, it automatically creates what the taosists call the great microcosmic orbit where in the psychic energies that would normally enter the crown chakra enter the feet and travel up the back of the body to the top of the head and then down the front to the feet again, thus grounding the person to the earth and creating a continuous flow of energy through the chakras. It will also neutralize negative energy that has collected in objects such as jewelry or crystals simply by placing the object between two symbols. in addition, it will enhance all healing work. These positive effects have been confirmed over and over by the improved results noted by those using the symbol and by clairvoyant observation by those trained in sensing changes in the aura and chakras.

This symbol is multidimensional. From one perspective,it appears to be two dimensional, being made up of three sevens on a flat surface. The three sevens represent the seven chakras, the seven colours and the seven tones of the musical scale. These three sevens are mentioned in the book of revelations as the seven candle sticks,the seven trumpets and the seven seals. From another perspective,this symbols appears as a three-dimensional cube. Its energy moves up from two to three dimensions that can be seen and also continues up through unseen dimensions all the way to the highest dimension. The dimension of the higher self.

Historically, the use of this symbol can be traced back through a number of reiki masters to an ancient tibetan meditation technique. The few tibetan meditation masters who knew of the symbol tended to keep it to themselves so that the increased value it created for their work would add to their status. For this reason, its use has not been widely known.

The tibetan meditation practice that used the antahkarana took place in a room lit with candles. In the middle of the room there was a large earthenware vessel shaped in an oval which symbolized the cosmic egg of the universe. The vessel was filled with several inches of water and in the middle was a stool. On the seat of the stool, inlaid in silver, was the antahkarana symbol. One wall was covered with copper, polished to mirror finish. Tapestries were hung on the opposite wall which displayed reiki symbols. A tibetan lama meditator would sit on the stool and gaze steadily at the image of the reiki symbol reflected in the polished copper mirror. This yantra meditation would create one pointedness in the mind of the meditator, uniting the consciousness with the transcendental energies of the reiki symbol while the antahkarana symbol on the stool would focus the energies generated and cause them to evenly flow through all the chakras and to connect with the earth.

It is clear that the tibetans did not originate the symbol. And there is no written record as to its true origin. However, through clairvoyant perception, Michelle Griffith, a talented clairvoyant healer has been able to tune into the symbol and read its psychic history. According to Michelle,the symbol was first given to the people of earth during lemurian times over 100,000 years ago.(i'm not sure,it may be 10,000 years too). This was the same time reiki was first brought to the earth by the holy spirit. The antahkarana was created by a counsel of ascended masters who are watching over the evolution of the galaxy. They saw that the people of the earth were in trouble and needed help in re-establishing their connection with the higher self. They created the symbol and using a decree, embedded it with its own consciousness. Now,anyone who uses it will have the connection with the physical brain and the higher self strengthened. It is the higher self that creates and guides the benefits of the symbol and that is why it can never be used for harm.

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