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Sunday 24 November 2013

Are eggs really good for health?


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Egg was once considered a 'complete food'. New facts about saturated fats and serum cholesterol, during the last two-three decades, changed the position completely. 

Whereas the developing countries are trying to promote their poultry industry, the consumption of eggs has been continually declining over the years in the developed countries. 

Well, I belong to a developing country, and like millions of other Indians, I was motivated over the years for having eggs in the breakfast and otherwise, specially when healthy strong man Dara Singh and other celebrities, on television, and the celebrities at home, as in the grand father, had been singing the 'Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao ande' song. I never doubted the slogan of health in egg consumption given by the advertisements, grand parents, and the gym trainers in college days.

Eggs are high in protein, saturated fat and cholesterol. Yolk of a single large egg contains about 220-240 mg of cholesterol. It contains around 13% fat, most of which is saturated.

A few days ago, my friend Dr. Dheeraj, a naturopath at New Delhi, showed me a document which had information about a study of the National heart, lung and blood Institute, in some city of the United States, which stated that the balance of HDL, VLDL, and LDL was adversly affected amongst egg eaters. Many other studies have shown that with eggs, the LDL levels tend to rise.

I found some interesting information while finding out more information on the topic.  Many years ago, the American National Commission on Egg Nutrition came out with an advertisement in national newspapers saying that there is absolutely no scientific evidence that eating eggs, even in quantity, will increase the risk of heart attack. The American Heart Association asked the Federal Trade Commission to immediately prohibit this 'false, deceptive and misleading advertisement'. A legal suit was filed and the judgement in the case, after studies in depth by the attorneys, ruled 'There exists a substantial body of competent and reliable scientific evidence that eating eggs increases the risk of heart attacks or heart disease.

The danger of consuming raw or undercooked eggs due to salmonella was highlighted by a group of investigators at the American Center of Disease Control, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

For those who love eggs, may reduce the risks by avoiding the yolk.

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