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Friday 22 November 2013

Does your name start with 'C'?


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This alphabet gives you the dedication to do all you can to achieve an aim or goal. You do not care about the time that is being consumed, or the expenses you have to bear for the same. Once you have decided to do something, nothing can stop you from doing it until it is complete. People find it hard to change your mind on anything. You have some planning or the other all the time in your mind. You may get intuitions about the future happenings and they may surprisingly prove true later on. It is very hard to force you to do something, if not impossible. Many times you act without thinking. An attitude of 'what i have said, I have said' harms you in the period of time. You are a person of the mood. Mood makes you laugh, mood makes you cry, mood makes you do everything you do. People may find you to be a strange person at times, as you usually behave like you do not have a strong hold on your heart and brain. This may worry you as you are basically a smart person. You are advised to keep a control over yourself, and act smart as you are.

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