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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Fish: Vegetable grown on the waters


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Whatever in water has fins and scales, whether in the seas, or in the rivers---that you may eat.

There are other references of fish in the Bible, like John 21:10-12 and Luke 24:41-43 where Jesus talks about fish for a meal. In eastern Indian states, the circles having prejudice against non vegetarian food consider fish to be the vegetable grown in the waters. 

Fish is a good source of vitamin A and D. Most fish are high in potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins. Fish is also rich in iron, in a form that is easier to absorb than any other source of iron, including plant sources. Many fish provide the Omega 3 fatty acids. Shell fish can be considered nature's mineral depository. Their amino acid tryocine energize the brain.Oysters are high in zinc. Clams are so high in iron, it is a wonder they do not rust themselves.

Fish oil is coming as a health food. The Omega 3 fats in fish is believed to have healing properties for blood and it prevents abnormal blood clotting. High potassium in fish keeps the blood pressure in normal range. Many studies all over the world have found fish to be beneficial in heart disease. Consumption of white fish is believed to be a blood thinner that protects against arterial damage.

Good HDL cholesterol is highest in the Japanese who eat most fish. Fish eaters in coastal areas of India believe in a connection of fish with their jet black hair. The Japanese as well as the South Indians are considered as a part of the most intelligent communities in the world. In UK, people have high belief in effectiveness of cod liver oil in treating arthritis and rheumatism. Uk is one of the largest consumer of the cod liver oil capsules.

The two main drawbacks of consuming fish are, however, it's acidity, uric acid and it's adding to blood urea, hence moderate consumption is recommended for those who have these issues.

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