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Tuesday 21 January 2014

Clear That Clutter


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Many people have the habit of keeping unwanted things and stuffing up their spaces with such things. They neither use them nor throw them away. This is clutter.

It may be the old clothes that you store, hoping for them to come back to fashion, or which have been given as gifts-expensive ones. You dont wear them because of one reason or the other, but you do not throw or give them away either.

Old magazines, papaers, clippings from newspapers, old books which you hope may be useful someday, but actually more than five years have passed without you having read/used them, even once.

Chipped or broken show pieces. Old video casettes and old audio casettes. Old appliances which dont work anymore. Watches and clocks that are not working. Junk and old newspapers. Very old account and record books, more than 15 years old. Mental clutter-old emotions and memories.

Remove all the clutter from your life if you want to progress. Clutter holds people back, each piece of junk attaches an invisible string to you, and all this hampers progress, because each of these hoarded things occupies a space (like megabyte of computer memory) of your mind. We should not clutter up the mind. Get rid of all physical and mental clutter, and see how free, comfortable and happy you feel. Just as the same way a Yogi gets rid of social ties from spiritual progress, you should get rid of your extra physical possessions, for materialistic progress.

Another thing you can do after clutter clearance is to light up incense sticks daily in the house for cleansing, or even ring a bell all over the house.

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