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Monday 18 November 2013

Does your name start with 'B'?


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The alphabet B represents a person who keeps his feelings within himself. You are normally an introvert person. You don't get into worthless arguments and keep yourself busy in your work as per your thoughts, feelings and requirements. You don't have too many friends and even your social circle  is not too vast. Moreover, the limited number of people you are close to, they do not easily win your trust. You are a cautious person, and you do not lose your track to the destination of your goals. You generally hesitate to meet strangers and people at high positions, which may generate a feeling of inferiority in you. You don't discuss your feelings openly with others due to your hesitations. You are a charming person with a good brain, and you are able to attract people. You are so much intermingled in yourself, and so lost in yourself, that you don't really bother about others. You don't even want to get into other people's mess. Due to a very limited number of friends, you do not get help and patronage from people in general. This becomes a reason of your slow progress in life. You are advised to show your presence in the society and interact with people.

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