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Friday 18 October 2013

Crystals supply energy


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Crystals have no ill side effects.  They give the cells what is needed for repairing and maintaining health.

When the mind is linked to crystals, they serve as an amplifier to increase the healing process. Through the use of the language of symbols, used in the visualizing process, the mind can be guided to the areas of imbalance and directed to balance the energy of that area. By using the visualization process, the mind can work on several problems simultaneously with fast results.

Crystal energy can be used to precharge an area before surgery to reduce the trauma to the cells, and it can be used after surgery to replace the energy loss caused by that trauma.

Drugs and surgery operate through the physical body. Crystals amplify and access all levels of mind, emotion, spirit and body. The thoughts and emotions human beings generate or absorb from others create their physical condition. For healing to last, all levels need to balance and stabilize. If possible, the program or cause which created the physical imbalance or disease to occur must be accessed or changed.

Crystals can move the mind into the suggestible area where it can be programmed to create physical changes. Holding a quartz crystal on the body causes a greater amount of alpha brain waves to be generated. Using the power of your imagination to go inside a crystal, your mind begins to operate in the alpha brain wave frequency. Alpha is the mind/brain level where suggestibility to the subconscious mind computer begins. It is at this level that old casual programs can be accessed and reprogrammed. Reprogramming can eliminate the cause of an illness and through proper suggestions, accelerate the healing process.

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