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Monday, 11 November 2013

The five types of fasting


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Fasting is good for health, and fasts can be broadly classified into five types.

Complete fast

In such a fast you take a glass of water every two hours and the next hour, warm water with lemon juice is taken. Nothing else is taken.Lemon juice in warm water prevents gas to be formed on the empty stomach. That is how Mahatma Gandhi used to fast. Complete fast for more than three days should be taken under medical supervision.

A lighter version for such a fast is that three or four times a day you may take one or two small spoons of honey with lemon juice in normal water. Honey provides some energy and lemon helps in cleansing and in regulating the production of gas in stomach. Water of a tender coconut can also be taken during a complete fast. Coconut water is good for health by itself.

Fruit diet

in fruit diet fasting, you live on fruits and fruit juices only. You may continue to take water and lemon juice in warm water ( as in a complete fast) besides the fruits. You should not fast this way for more than six to seven days.

Fruit and vegetable diet

In this fast, lightly boiled or steamed vegetables are also taken in addition the fruit diet. Do not use salt in the vegetables. Lemon juice can be used instead. There is no problem in fasting this way for six to seven days at a time.

Milk and banana diet

In this diet, you may take alternatively take a cup of skimmed milk and a banana three or four times a day. You may also take honey and lemon juice in warm water. Such fast may be undertaken for two to three days at a time only. 

In all the above four types of fasts, you are not taking any fat, salt, white sugar or food cooked on fire. It is a low calory diet. In this way, the burden on the digestive system is reduced and the system gets enough time for cleansing operations.

Traditional fast

In 24 hours, you take only one simple light meal with very little or no fat, salt and white sugar. Besides that meal, you do not take any fruits, vegetables, juices, tea etc. during the day. You may, however, take simple water, or lemon juice in warm water. You only take a light breakfast the next day. Usually traditional fasts are kept on the full moon day or on the first day of the solar month.

Fasting is the key to living a healthy life. Fast with a regularity.

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