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Sunday 1 December 2013

Does your name start with 'E'?


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This alphabet signifies a multidimensional personality. You just can not keep secrets. You say what all you think, doesn't matter who you are talking to. All you do is well planned. You can not sit idle. Clear and pure thoughts are what generally come to your mind. These good qualities help you succeed in life. ou can be called a modern person. There is always something new about your thoughts and everyday resolutions, including the tasks you undertake. You love changes, new and modern ways to think, view and work. You want changes in life as per modern times. You don't appreciate old, outdated, orthodox thoughts. All this makes you a different person in the society, and you find yourself all alone and lonely in the end. Not many people are around you, and the few who are around you have a tendency to cheat you and reap benefits of your over talking. Though you get to become a successful person in life, you lose many opportunities in the way, just because you can't keep a control on your tongue. You are advised to keep a control on yourself, including your thoughts, temper and expression.

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