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Saturday 12 October 2013

Reiki procedure to heal chakras


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A lot of people who have done Reiki 1st and 2nd levels,and who are not practicing it and many are not even informed about the procedure. If you don't practice Reiki on own self, you are wasting the wonderful ability of healing your body,mind,emotions and life. So here is easy step by step chakra healing and balancing 12-20 minute self session for you.

The procedure:
1.Sit comfortably.say,i invoke all reiki masters and gurus,all gods and goddesses and all angel guides to bless me,help me and guide me.
2.Rub your hands a few times to sensitize them.say, reiki flow and charge my hands to heal and balance my chakras. Your palms will get some sensation or warmth.
3.keep ur left hand on the crown chakra over the head and right hand on the root chakra over the genitals.dont worry reiki is flowing to heal the chakras, even if u don't feel the flow(some people may not have practiced for quite some time). Keep hands for 3 minutes. A count of 300 done slowly will give healing for 5 minutes(you can count starting from 1001 to 1300),and a count of 180 will give healing for 3 minutes.
4.Without moving left hand,move your right hand to sacral chakra below naval, and then move left hand to 3rd eye chakra on forehead. Do the 300 or 180 count.
5.Without moving left hand,move your right hand to solar plexus chakra above naval, and then move the left hand to throat chakra on the neck. Count 300 or 180.
6.Without moving left hand,move your right hand to heart chakra in middle of chest,and then move the left hand to the heart chakra too. Do the 300 or 180 count.

The healing ends here.
7.Say,i stabilize reiki at my heart chakra. Then affirm,all my energy centres are now healed and balanced.i am healthy,happy and peaceful,and my life is balanced.
8.Thank your reiki master and guru,gods and goddesses and angel guides, thank reiki and yourself.
9.Close the fists and say i stop the reiki flow from my palms.
You are done for the day in only 12 or 20 it daily.

Same can be done for other people.

Tip: You may use Reiki music which rings a bell after every 3 minutes instead of the counting. Reiki music by Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasiya is one of the most soothing and relaxing music for Reiki self healing.

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  1. Thank you so much

  2. Thanks for mentioning the procedure here....I almost forgot about it. Its easy and quick referral for me for future.
