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Monday 2 December 2013

Becoming a Reiki Channel


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The Concept of Reiki Channel

To use Reiki, you have to become a Reiki channel first. Channel indicates a person through whom Reiki flows smoothly for his own benefit as well as for the benefit of others. In Reiki treatment, the blockages in the energy flow system of the body are cleared and allows Reiki to flow smoothly through the system. Once the body achieves this state of health, it can become a channel. Reiki flows smoothly with great force to heal yourself and others.

How to become a Reiki Channel?

To become a Reiki channel, you need a Reiki Master. The channels are already inside us in the form of our mental and emotional energy and the power to concentrate. The only thing we need is activation and cleansing which is done by a master. He switches on our internal motor.

The process of activating a Reiki channel is called initiation or attunement in the language of Reiki. The person who is to become a channel meditates while the Master does the initiation procedure. It takes around 20-40 minutes.

You can also become a Reiki channel through self initiation, but for this you need cleansing at all levels of body, mind and soul. You have to completely kill your ego and become aware of your spiritual self.

Reiki founder Dr. Mikao Usui did not need a Reiki master for initiation or experiencing Reiki. He received Reiki when his ego died and he became completely empty of all mental identifications. This created space for him to receive Reiki.

The easier way for getting initiated is through a Reiki Master, and you may then continue on your journey to self improvement and spirituality, without actually compromising with materialistic pleasures of life.

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