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Monday 2 December 2013

Reiki Treatment: Where and how long?


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People often ask me about the minimum and maximum time that Reiki should be given. Since Reiki comes from God source, and to heal, it can never cause harm. You can never give too little or too much Reiki. If all you have is a few minutes to give Reiki, go ahead. Reiki will always help.

Reiki will not only treat the area where your hands are placed, but will often travel to other areas of body where healing is needed. Specially the third eye chakra and solar plexus chakra are able to diversify Reiki to many other points in the body.

Intuition can play an important role when treating specific diseases. First, try placing hands on area of concern. If you feel a lot of Reiki flowing, then stay there. If Reiki does not flow well, ask the person receiving Reiki how they feel. If neither of you feel Reiki is treating the area of concern, then ask your intuition to show you the best  place to treat the condition. Move your hands to where you are directed. If you feel more Reiki flowing there and the healee reports the symptoms subsiding, then you know you were correctly guided.

Time duration is usually until Reiki keeps flowing. Most healers would heal till Reiki flow goes on. Many conditions are cured if the entire time healing is kept on, may take few minutes to few hours. Others may heal for a specific time as a healing session, and the healee can revisit for regular sessions, until he is cured.

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